A Visit to the Museum of Yugoslavia in the year of the jubilee
In the year that marks seven decades of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Serbia (formerly Yugoslavia), what started on June the 23rd , with a formal reception of the Association of Serbian-Indonesian Friendship Nusantara for the representatives of the Embassy of Indonesia, members of the Society and representatives of the public and political life of Serbia, when that day was proclaimed the Day of Serbian-Indonesian Friendship, it continued with the invitation of His Excellency Mochammad Chandra Widya Yudha, the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Serbia, for the members of Nusantara Association to join the Indonesian community in Serbia during a visit to the Museum of Yugoslavia in a Belgrade’s area called Dedinje.
In the company of the curator of the Museum of Yugoslavia, those present recalled the era of the former Yugoslavia and especially the period of the leadership of President Josip Broz Tito, who, together with Sukarno, the first president of Indonesia after gaining independence on August 17th, 1945, was one of the founders of the Non-Aligned Movement, whose the beginnings can be traced back to a conference in the Indonesian city of Bandung in 1955. Bearing in mind the decades-long friendship between the state of Serbia and the state of Indonesia and on this plan, it is necessary to point out that the first conference of the Movement (in 1961) and the ninth (in 1989) were held in Belgrade, while the tenth (1992) was held in Jakarta. How important were Yugoslavia and Indonesia in the Non-Aligned Movement, speaks the fact that a special ministerial conference was held in May 2011 in Bali, Indonesia, and that in September of the same year a special conference was held in Belgrade on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first conference of the Movement.
During the visit of the delegation of the Embassy of Indonesia, the Indonesian community in Serbia and members of the Nusantara Association to the museum complex, H.E. Chandra Widya Yudha had the opportunity to write in the Book of Impressions, which is opened for special and highly respected guests of that part of the Museum of Yugoslavia.
On behalf of the Association of Serbian-Indonesian Friendship Nusantara, the event was attended by members of the Society’s management board Zorica Janković, Milan Đokić, Vladimir Ilić, Predrag Karasović and Vuk Mirčetić (president of the Association), as well as members and friends of Nusantara.
The socializing of all those present during the visit to the Museum of Yugoslavia continued at a cocktail party organized in the premises of the Indonesian embassy in the immediate proximity of the museum.
Photo: Ambasada Republike Indonezije i članovi Društva Nusantara.