The regular Annual General Meeting of the Association was held on March 17th 2010 in the “Pancasila” Room of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Belgrade.

The meeting has adopted the Report on the Association’s activities for the period of March 2009 to March 2010 and the Financial Report for 2009 as well.

The meeting has verified the admittance of 29 new members, so that the Association has now more than a hundred members coming from different parts of Serbia, as well as the Indonesian citizens living and working in Serbia.

At the meeting, the members had fruitful discussions on many ideas, proposals and plans on the activities of the Association for the current year. The meeting adopted a proposal that the Executive Board, based on those initiatives of the Association members, has adopted decisions on the annual Activity Plan of the Association for 2010.

On the proposal of the President of the Association, Mr. Dragovan-Bata Lukić, Milica Djenović, an undergraduate of Geographic Faculty, was elected member of the Association Executive Board.

Soon after the working part of the AGM over, in a half an hour speech, by the end of his three-and-a-half-year term in Serbia, the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia has addressed the members of the Association, participants of the meeting.

The President of “Nusantara”, Mr. Lukić, with high appreciation underlined the strong efforts made by H.E. Ambassador Dalimunthe for the promotion of the actually, already good relations of our two friendly countries, particularly the readiness of the Ambassador, in each occasion, to help the work of the Association which, for sure, be kept in good memory of many of our members.

The President of the Association expressed his hope that the departure of Ambassador Dalimunthe from Belgrade soon, should not be the end of his activities in the promotion of relations between Indonesia and Serbia, and that there would be more occasions available for a successful cooperation.

Upon the conclusion of the meeting, the kind hosts from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, have offered hospitality enabling friends from the two countries sharing fellowship continued in a pleasant cocktail party.

Thanks to the Vice Chairman of the Association, Mr. Borislav Korkodelović, the National News Agency “TANJUG” has made a report on the session of the meeting and on the address of the Ambassador. This information has been transmitted by most electronic media, as well as by the daily “Pres”, “Glas javnosti” and “Kurir”.