Sabriana Jayaputri’s “Catatan Serbia Sabriana” book promotion

Sabriana Jayaputri’s “Catatan Serbia Sabriana” book promotion

The Serbian-Indonesian Friendship Society NUSANTARA in collaboration with The Belgrade City Library and the participation of the Association of Indonesian Students in Serbia (KERIS), on Friday, the 15th of March 2019., organized the promotion of Sabriana Jayaputri’s book “Catatan Serbia Sabriana”(Sabriana’s Notes About Serbia), a young author and travel writer.

The book was published in Indonesia in January 2019. and is currently being translated into Serbian. Sabriana is one of the five Indonesian students in Serbia, since 2013. studying at the Faculty of Security Studies in Belgrade. Beside her studies, she is devoted to many hobbies, one being taking notes from her journeys.

That is how the book originated, which she says, speaks about her second home – Serbia. Sabriana applied for a scholarship in a country where English is not a native language, also a somewhat unusual country for Indonesians. Even though she never planned for Serbia to become her second home, she is very happy to study in Serbia and states that by communicating with different people, she learned how to respect others, but also grew to like to explore other parts of the world.

Serbia became the starting point from which she later visited tens of other countries. Her travels and impressions from Serbia are faithfully described in this book, while we hope the book will be available in Serbian for Serbian readers.

This presentation was attended by Sabriana’s friends, members of The Serbian-Indonesian Friendship Society NUSANTARA and the representatives of the Defence Attaché Office of The Republic of Indonesia in Serbia.