It has been agreed the maintenance of Third bilateral interfaith dialog between Serbia and Indonesia

It has been agreed the maintenance of Third bilateral interfaith dialog between Serbia and Indonesia

Serbian Minister of Justice Nikola Selakovic and His Excellency Indonesian Ambassador in Belgrade Harry Kandou, met on Friday, May 8th 2015, in order to discuss the Third bilateral interfaith dialog between Serbia and Indonesia. In front of the Directorate for cooperation with churches and religious communities, meeting was also attended by the director, dr.Mileta Radojevic, who was the chief of national faith delegation on the Second bilateral interfaith dialogue of Serbia and Indonesia, in Jakarta in 2013.

The meeting was also attended by Vidya Parsaoran Gultom, chief of ambassadorial department of Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade, Joseph Victoarianus Arjono, translator and officer of Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade, Gordana Stamenic, assistant of a director of Directorate for cooperation with churches and religious communities, Nikola Savic, chief of a cabinet of minister of justice, Jovana Stojinovic, advisor for international cooperation in the Directorate, who was figuring as a communication person and coordinator of the Third bilateral interfaith dialogue between Serbia and Indonesia, and Milica Vuckovic, advisor for media in Ministry of justice.

Minister Selakovic welcomed Ambassador Kandou and highlighted that Serbia wants to continue success in interfaith dialogue with Indonesia. He expressed his thankfulness on Indonesian support in its attitude of not recognizing unilaterally acclaimed independence of so called Republic of Kosovo. He said that Serbia was proud on its friendship with Indonesia as the most populous Muslim country in the world, and he highlighted that Serbian aim besides integration with EU, is to maintain traditional friendships with Islamic countries and countries that are not in EU. Selakovic gave a review of several decades long cooperation of Serbia and religious communities, highlighting that it’s not only Serbian tradition, but also a characteristic of our people, who have been always showing respect for believers of different religions.

Ambassador Kandou expressed pleasure and underlined the firm attitude that Republic of Indonesia will not recognise unilaterally acclaimed independence of so called Republic of Kosovo. He said that Indonesian government highly appreciates success of the First and the Second bilateral interfaith dialogue with Serbia, which had been held in 2011 in Belgrade, and 2013 in Jakarta. Continuation of cooperation with Serbia and the Third bilateral interfaith dialogue between Serbia and Indonesia is of extraordinary importance for Indonesia as the biggest Muslim country in the world.

Director Radojevic joined welcoming words and expressed pleasure for the continuation of the interfaith dialogue. He confirmed readiness of the Directorate for cooperation with churches and religious communities, to participate again in preparing the next interfaith dialogue. He offered all the help from Directorate in terms of contacts with religious leaders, representatives of higher education religious institutions for deals achieved about students’ exchange, and lecturers from University of Belgrade and University of Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta. He was convinced that the Third bilateral interfaith dialogue will strengthen good relations and that Serbia will be a connection with cooperation of Indonesia with EU in the future.

Chief of political department in embassy, mr. Gulton said that continuation of interfaith dialogue with Serbia is of extraordinary importance. He highlighted that Serbian visiting delegation in Jakarta in 2013 have given a completely new picture to the Indonesian public. Indonesian government has proclaimed the attendance of national and religious delegation of Serbia and interfaith dialogue, the biggest success in this field. Serbian delegation convinced Indonesian religious leaders that problems that Serbia faced in the past are not of religious, but exclusively of political nature. That is very important for continuing support to Serbia to maintain its territorial integrity, he said.

All the attendees agreed that the topic of the Third bilateral interfaith dialogue be “Young people in intercultural and interfaith dialogue: perspectives, possibilities, challenges”. Directorate for cooperation with churches and religious communities is responsible for coordination of activities between Serbia and Indonesia in terms of organisation of the Third bilateral interfaith dialogue.

Minister Selakovic, ambassador Kandou and director dr Radojevic agreed and confirmed that they firmly believe that the Third bilateral interfaith dialogue between Serbia and Indonesia will greatly contribute to strengthening good relations of our two friendly countries and peoples, as well as further development of those relations.