Cooperation agreement between The College of Tourism and The University Gunadarma from Indonesia Opened Indonesian E-corner

Cooperation agreement between The College of Tourism and The University Gunadarma from Indonesia Opened Indonesian E-corner

An agreement of higher educational institutions was signed today between the University Gunadarma from Indonesia and the College of Tourism in Belgrade with regard to the exchange of students and professors, vocational training, study tours and works on future joint projects.

On this occasion, representatives of the two institutions officially opened the E-corner (electronic playground), a project on which to work together, and which, through the internet platform, to enable students and all interested parties to become better acquainted with Indonesia, its economy and tourism, the curriculum of many of Indonesian universities, and the possibilities for obtaining scholarships and continuing education in this country.

“I am very glad that you can still remember our President Sukarno and the Non-Aligned Movement, even though many years passed since” E.S Margianti emphasized as the Rector of the University Gunadarma, during her visit to the College of Tourism.

Gunadarma University, where about 40,000 young people begun their studies this year, was named best private university in Indonesia and the 10th ranked in quality, according to a poll at the website Vebometriks. And according to the website of top universities ( Gunadarama is the eighth most appreciated university in Indonesia.

Gunadarma was established in 1981, and ganed its university status in 1996. It consists of the following faculties: Computer Science and Information Technology, Industrial Technology, Economic Sciences, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Psychology, Philology and Faculty of Communication.

Participation of the representatives of the academic community from Indonesia will be an integral part of the program of international cooperation that the schools will organize in order to inform its students with the peoples and cultures of the world, as well as the conditions and new opportunities for professional training abroad.

In the making of the E-corner, participants were members of the Serbian-indonesian Friendship “Nusantara”, initiated by the cooperation of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia and The College of Tourism in Belgrade.

E-Corner is available at