Statute of the Association
Statute of the Association
In accord with the regulations of the articles 12 and 78 of the Law on Associations (“The Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia” # 51/2009) the Assembly of the Association of Serbian-Indonesian friendship “Nusantara” held on 24th March 2011 adopted a new
Article 1
The Association of Serbian- Indonesian friendship “Nusantara” established by the Decision on the Establishment of an Association, adopted on 3 June 2003, (hereinafter: Association) is a non-governmental and non-profit Association, established for an indefinite period, in accordance with the Law, to achieve the objectives in the development of friendly relations and mutual cooperation of the people of Serbia and the Republic of Indonesia.
Article 2
Name of the Society is: Друштво српско-индонежанског пријатељства „Нусантара“.
Name of the Society in Latin script is: Društvo srpsko-indonežanskog prijateljstva „Nusantara“.
Name of the Society in English is: Serbo-Indonesian Society of Friendship „Nusantara“.
The Association performs its activities on the territory of Republic of Serbia.
The Association has its headquarter in Belgrade, Art Boulevard 2 (Bulevar umetnosti,2).
Article 3
The association is a legal entity.
The Association is duly registered with the Agency for Business Registers, in Belgrade.
Article 4
The Association has its official symbols – seal, stamp, sign and logo.
The shape of the seal of the Association is round and consists of these words: Društvo srpsko-indonežanskog prijateljstva “NUSANTARA” inscribed in the inner side along the brim of the symbol presenting the sign of the Association “NUSANTARA” with two torsos with the hands up and united tightly right in the middle, over which are five circles (continents).
The Association’s stamp is rectangular and it consists of the words: Društvo srpsko-indonežanskog prijateljstva „NUSANTARA“, written in Latin letters under the top border of the rectangle and the “Br…”(‘No…’) and the word “Datum” (‘Date’) written along the bottom border of the rectangle.
Article 5
Association’s goals and tasks are:
- to contribute to maintaining, preservation and enrichment of the traditional friendship between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Indonesia based on the principles of mutual respect and welfare of both countries.
- to help establish co-operation concerning social issues, art, education, culture, sports and other fields by contributing to strengthening and development of political and economic relations and co-operation between the two friendly countries.
- to organize artistic, cultural and sporting activities as the incentive to expanding mutual contacts, taking the role of a bridge that will accelerate development of the bilateral exchange as a whole between the two countries.
Article 6
The Association will realize its goals and tasks by its public activities based on the adopted annual business plan.
Article 7
Member of the Society may be any citizen of the Republic of Serbia, who accepts the Statute of the Association, and who is willing to contribute to the achievement of the objectives and tasks of the Association.
The minor in the age of 14 may join the Association, accompanied by a certified statement by his legal representative on approval.
For a person under the age of 14, referring to the paragraph 1 of this Article, the application must be submitted by his/her legal representative.
Article 8
The Association is open to all economical, educational, cultural, sport institutions and other organizations that are willing to make a contribution in making its goals and tasks fulfil.
Article 9
Society may award honorary membership to a certain person whose work has contributed to the achievement of Serbo-Indonesian friendship and cooperation.
Honorary members are elected by the Assembly.
Honorary members of the Association may be Serbian and foreign nationalities.
Honorary members cannot be elected to the governing bodies nor can they vote unless the Assembly makes a specific decision on that matter.
Honorary members have no obligation to pay dues.
Article 10
Membership application into the Association is being submitted to the Executive Board.
Article 11
Member of the Society shall be entitled to:
- equally participate, in achieving the objectives of the Association with other members;
- directly participate in decision-making in the Assembly, and through the authority of the Association’s body;
- elect and be elected to the Association’s body;
- to be timely informed about the activities of the Association.
Member is obliged to:
- actively contribute to achieving the objectives of the Association;
- participate, in accordance with interest,in the activities of the Association;
- pay the membership fee;
- perform other duties entrusted to them by the Chairman of the Association and the Board of Directors.
Article 12
The Association can be a member of international associations, federations and organizations engaged in cooperation and friendship development with the Republic of Indonesia, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Article 13
The decision on the membership is made by the Executive Board and certified by the Assembly of the Association, which is further conveyed to the applicant without delay.
A member may step out of the membership by giving written statement of withdrawal. For the withdrawal of a minor, the consent of legal representative is not required.
The membership in the Association may cease over the inactivity of a member during the long period of time, disrespect of the regulations of this Statute, non-paying of the fee or derogating the reputation of the Association.
The decision on the membership cease is passed by the Assembly based on the argued preposition that the Executive Board made.
The member must be enabled to state the reasons to which the preposition to his/her exclusion from the Association is made.
Article 14
Professional, administrative -technical duties and duties with respect to information, financial management, marketing, sponsorship and other activities are performed by the individual members of the Association voluntarily, and are coordinated by the Secretary General.
If the activities referred to the paragraph 1 of this article require, the Board may engage an expert, who will perform tasks for a fee, in which case such person is contracted by the Association.
The decision in paragraph 2 of this Article is made by the Managing Board, and verified by the Assembly of the Association.
Article 15
The Body of the Association is consisted of: the Assembly, Executive Board, Supervisory Board and Chairman of the Association.
A function of a representative is performed by the Chairman of the Association, and in his absence the Chairman of the Board.
The term of office of the members elected to organs of the Association shall be 4 (four) years
The Assembly
Article 16
The Assembly is the supreme authority of the Association.
The Assembly consists of all its members.
Regular Assembly meetings are held at least once a year
The Assembly Meeting is prepared by the Board and convened by the Chairman of the Association.
For the Assembly, it is necessary to prepare a written notice to the membership regarding the time and place of the Assembly as well as the draft agenda.
The session is chaired by the Management, which is elected by public vote at the beginning of the session.
Article 17
Extraordinary session may be convened upon the proposal of the Chairman of the Association, the Management Board, Supervisory Board, and the initiative of at least ten members of the Association.
The initiative to convene the extraordinary Assembly shall be submitted to the Management Board in writing and it must consist of the stated issues requested for consideration.
Article 18
The Assembly:
- adopts agenda and the business plan;
- adopts the Statute, its changes and amendments;
- adopts other general acts of the Association; elects and acquits the Chairman of the association, councillors of the Association’s Chairman, the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Board members, Secretary General and the president and the members of the Supervisory Board;
- considers and adopts financial plan and report;
- decides on status changes and acquittal of the Association’s work;
- decides on the merger into the unions and other associations in the country and abroad;
- decides on the membership in the appropriate national and international organizations;
- decides on use and disposal of funds and assets of the Association;
- decides all appeals, objections and complaints
- decides on the amount of membership fees;
- adopts Rules of procedure.
Article 19
The Assembly can make valid decisions if at least one half of the members are present.
The Assembly shall decide by simple majority vote of the present members.
The decision on changes and amendments to the Statute, status changes and termination of the Association requires a two third majority vote of members present.
Voting at the meeting is public, unless the Assembly decides otherwise.
Management Board
Article 20
The Management Board is the executive body of the Association’s Assembly which takes care of implementing the goals and tasks of the Association as required under this Statute. The Management Board may have up to 11 (eleven) members, elected and dismissed by the Assembly.
The Chairman of the Board represents the Association in all legal and financial issues.
Sessions of the Management Board shall be convened and chaired by the Chairman of the Board.
The Managing Board and other working bodies of the Assembly and the Board of the Association are coordinated by the Chairman of the Board, along with the Vice-Chairman and Secretary General.
The Board makes proposes and submits to the Assembly of the Association to adopt the changes and amendments to the Statute, plans, programs and reports, proposals for membership to the relevant national and international organizations, implements the decisions of the Assembly and handles all other matters within the authority delegated to them by the Assembly.
The mandate of the members of the Management Board lasts 4 (four) year and they can be re-elected to the same positions.
Supervisory Board
Article 21
The Supervisory Board considered and controls:
- Implementation of the Statute regulative and other general acts of the Association;
- Implementation of the rights and obligations of the Association;
- Material and financial operations of the Association;
- Implementation of the decisions and conclusions of the Assembly.
The Supervisory Board, without delay, informs the Board and the Assembly of the Association of the observed irregularities.
Article 22
The Supervisory Board consists of three (3) members – the president, and two members elected by The Assembly from among the members of the Assembly.
Article 23
The Supervisory Board shall report at each session of the Assembly.
The mandate of the Supervisory Board shall be 4 (four) years.
The same person who is a member of the Supervisory Board may be re-elected to the Supervisory Board.
The Supervisory Board shall report to the Assembly.
The Chairman of the Association
Article 24
The Chairman of the Association summons and presides the sessions of the Association.
Represents and presents the Association before third parties and executes all the duties he is authorized for by the Assembly of the Association.
The Chairman of the Association may transfer his authority to other members of the Association to represent their company, in whole or in part.
The Chairman signs the Statute, contracts and other documents in the Association.
The Chairman shall report to the Assembly.
Article 25
In order to achieve the goals and objectives permanent and temporary forms of activity – sections, boards, committees and working groups can be set up.
The decision to form a temporary form of action is passed by the Assembly and the Managing Board, which set out their scope and responsibilities.
Periodical forms of action on its programs, plans and activities submit proposals and reports to the Managing Board or the Assembly of the Association.
Article 26
Provided there is interest, in one or more places or cities, branch offices of the Associations may be formed.
Branch offices are independent in action, and yet part of the Association seated in Belgrade that coordinates their work.
Branch offices nominate their representatives for the Assemblies and other meetings of the Association in accord with the regulative of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly.
Branch offices do not have legal status.
Article 27
The work of the Association is open to the public, in accordance with the law.
The Managing Board takes care of the regular notifying of the membership and the public about activities of the Company, directly or through internal publications, its website and through press releases or in other appropriate manners.
The annual financial statements and reports on activities of the Association shall be submitted to the members at the meeting of the Assembly.
Article 28
The Company shall obtain the material and financial resources from:
- fees, amount determined by the Assembly;
- gifts and donations;
- assistance and grants;
- financial subsidies of state authorities and other institutions;
- cultural and artistic activities;
- other sources, in accordance with the law.
Donations and bequests may be in cash, movable and immovable assets and rights.
Article 29
Members of the Society held jointly responsible for the damage caused to the Association by their decision if that decision was made by gross negligence or with intent to cause damage, unless, in the process of making that decision, they stated their opinion for the record.
An action for damages shall be instituted upon the proposal of the Supervisory Board and decisions of the Managing Board, in accordance with the law.
Article 30
The initiative for amending the Statute may be given by one-third of the Assembly members, the Supervisory Board, the Managing Board and the Chairman of the Association.
The decision to initiate proceedings for the adoption and amendment of the Statute is passed by the Managing Board.
If the Board does not accept the initiative, they will inform applicants of the reasons why the initiative was not accepted.
If the Board accepts the initiative, the Commission will form for the statutory issues to prepare draft amendments to the Statute and to put it on the public hearings, which lasts at least 30 days.
After public hearings on a proposal from the Commission for the statutory issues, the Managing Board shall draft Statute and submit it to the Assembly for consideration and adoption.
Article 31
When it comes to formal legal or technical changes or modifications to comply with certain regulative of the Statute with the law, without changing the regulations on statutory amendments, rights and responsibilities, nor targets and duties of the Association, the amendments to the Statute can be made in a summary procedure by having the Managing Board determine the Proposal, suggested by the Commission for the statutory matters, and submit it to the Assembly for consideration.
Article 32
General and individual acts of the Association are:
- Statute – as a basic general act, which governs the important issues of the organization and functioning of the Association;
- Regulations – as a general act which, according to the Statute, decides on important matters of internal relations of the Association;
- Rules of procedure – as a general act of the Assembly work or other bodies;
- Conclusion – as a single act, by which the attitude of the Association on specific issues is expressed or determined the tasks of the Association;
- Decision – a single act which decides on the specific individual matters, based on the laws, Statutes and other general acts.
General acts shall take effect immediately or on the eighth day of its publication, in accordance with the law, and are published on the website of the Association.
Article 33
For results in achieving program goals and duties and for contribution to the improvement of the Association, the Association may award acknowledgments.
Acknowledgements include: letter of thanks and rewards.
Acknowledgement may be awarded to individuals, other associations, public and other businesses, government agencies and institutions.
Honours are awarded based on criteria established by general act of the Association’s Assembly.
Article 34
The Association terminates work by the Assembly decision, upon cessation of the conditions for achieving the objectives of the Association, as well as in other cases foreseen by the Law.
In case of termination, the Association’s assets shall be transferred to local non-profit legal entity established to achieve the same or similar goals.
To whom the assets were transferred, in accord with the Law, is the decision made by the Assembly.
Article 35
To all matters not regulated by these Articles, the regulative of the Law on Associations shall be applied.
Article 36
The Statute of the Association may be altered or amended in the manner and procedure under which it was adopted.
The interpretation of this Statute is provided by the Assembly.
All general and other acts of the Association, made before this Statute is in effect, shall remain effective until their compliance with this Statute, and it shall happen within 9 months from adoption of this Statute.
Article 37
If case that the competent authority requires modification of certain articles of this Statute on procedural grounds in the registration procedure, the Managing Board is authorized to decide on changes and amendments in accordance with such request.
Managing Board is obliged to deliver the act on changes and amendments of the Statute from the paragraph 1 of this article to the Assembly on the first following session.
Article 38
Upon entry into effect, this Statute shall supersede the previous Association’s Statute, adopted on June third 2003, at the inaugural Assembly meeting, with the amendments made at the meetings of the Assembly on October 10th 2006, June 30th 2008 and March 10th 2009.
Effective date
Article 39
This Statute shall come into force on the date of its adoption.
The Chairman of the Association
Dragovan-Bata Lukic