On Tuesday, April 30, 2013, the Belgrade City Library (BGB) and “Nusantara” Association, in cooperation with Radio Television Serbia (RTS), presented the journey of RTS reporter Nebojsa Kotlajic and cameraman Zoran Skrbic to Indonesia.
The guests were welcomed by Dr. Aleksandar Rakovic, the chairman of the Association of Serbian-Indonesian Friendship “Nusantara”, who pointed out that the image of Indonesia presented through narration of Kotlajic and Skrbic aimed to raise the awareness of the Serbian public about the beauty and “the unity in diversity” of the largest archipelago and the most populous Muslim country in the world.
“Indonesia – the land of smiling people” was one of the events marking the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Association of Serbian-Indonesian Friendship “Nusantara”, which is being marked throughout 2013.
Kotlajic and Skrbic have been keeping track of and reporting on the work of diplomatic missions accredited in Serbia for decades. They cover world news for RTS, and present their travel reports, mostly exclusive, in the morning and other programs of the Public Service. Some of their reportages received international recognition.
Their presentation was an exciting story about a country having five religions, whose 240 million inhabitants speak over 300 languages on more than 17,000 islands.
Gathered in crowded Roman Hall, the guests could also learn that Indonesia was the 17th economy in the world, and that, if it resists the challenges, it will be among the top 10 in 2030. Indonesia is a country with growing salaries and falling interest rates which make Indonesians spend more than they have.
Journalists evoked the story of Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, on the island of Java, about twenty hours away from Belgrade by plane, where everybody is cheerful and relaxed, and where most are rich – Hollywood rich and those who are not, earn less than $ 100 a month. There are differences, but no tension, anger or discontent over it.
The team attended the wedding of the daughter of Indonesia’s most famous actor, Roy Martin, who donated an acre of his property for the only Orthodox Church in Jakarta to be built.
During a ten-day stay in this distant land, Kotlajic and Skrbic visited the island of Ambon, where singer Biljana Krstic and “Bistrik” Orchestra were performing at the Jazz Plus Festival, whose founder and executive director is Indonesian Ambassador to Serbia, HE Mr Samuel Samson.
They also revealed the magic of Bali, which attracts tourists from all around the world making it one of the engines of the national economy. The island is rich in rice and coconut trees, and it produces the world’s most expensive coffee Kopi Luwak which costs $ 40 in Bali.
After half an hour projection, Kotlajic and Skrbic responded to the questions from the audience, which included the wife of Indonesian Ambassador to Serbia, Ms Iyah Samson, defence attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Colonel Berman Sitanggang, as well as many members of the Association and interested citizens.
Traditionally, after the presentation, the representatives of “Indofood Serbia” provided the guests with the packages of instant soups and noodles, products with increasing popularity on the markets of Serbia and the region.
The conversation continued with a cocktail party in the gallery of the Library.